Escribo como loca, lloro como puta y rio como estúpida. Life is a murder.
† Im just a girl, trying to find a place in this world. scars remind us of where we've been. not where we're going.
miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012
Perdón por no tener notas altas, soy muy distraída. Perdón por no tener a un montón de chicos detrás mio, soy un poco tímida y torpe. Perdón por pedir plata para discos o libros, prefiero eso en vez de droga y alcohol. Perdón por tener pocos amigos, prefiero dos verdaderos a un millón de falsos. Perdón por escuchar otro tipo de música, no soporto las letras del reggaeton. Perdón por llorar, tengo sentimientos. Perdón por mis errores, soy humano.
Éxito es ver sonreír a los demás y poder sonreír con ellos, sentirte en la cima del mundo y saber, por sobre todas las cosas,
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track talk myself in, I talk myself out I get all worked up, then I let myself down.I tried so very hard not to lose it I came up with a million excuses I thought, I thought of every possibility , and I know someday that it'll all turn out you'll make me work, so we can work to work it out and I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get.
I just haven't met you yet...
Mi amor, cosita 20 años. Te amo te amo te amo. No tengo palabras para decirte las cosas, ahre. Amo tus canciones, tu voz, tu todo. Sos perfecta. Me encanta todo de vos boluda, sos una gran mina y te admiro demasiado. Gracias por hacer música tan hermosa y hacerme cagar de risa con tus cosas. Amo verte bailar y cantar. Me das ganas de cantar, aunque bueno, no sepa cantar.
Gracias por servir para algo en el mundo, o al menos para muchas adolescentes. Sos perfecta en todos los sentidos y estoy orgullosa de ser Lovatica, de tenerte como ídola y poder admirarte siempre.
Gracias por servir para algo en el mundo, o al menos para muchas adolescentes. Sos perfecta en todos los sentidos y estoy orgullosa de ser Lovatica, de tenerte como ídola y poder admirarte siempre.
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012
miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
I Remember when we broke up the first time seeing this is, and had enough, it's like we haven't seen each other in a month when you, said you, needed space, what? when you come around again and say baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change trust me, remember how that lasted for a day I say, I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you.
Oooh we called it off again last night but Oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you we are never ever ever ever getting back together we are never ever ever ever getting back together you go talk to your friends talk and my friends talk to me but we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Like ever...
I'm really gonna miss you picking fights and me, falling for a screaming that I'm right and you, will hide away and find your piece of mine with some indie record that's much cooler than mine
Oooh you called me up again tonight but Oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you we are never ever ever ever getting back together we are never ever ever ever getting back together you go talk to your friends talk and my friends talk to me but we are never ever ever ever getting back together
I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever and I used to say never say never huh, he calls me up and he's like, I still love you and i'm like, I mean, I mean this is exhausting, you know we are never getting back together, like ever
We are never ever ever ever getting back together we are never ever ever ever getting back together you go talk to your friends talk and my friends talk to me but we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Not getting back together, we oh, getting back together
You go talk to your friends talk and my friends talk to me but we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Joe Jonas
Today, August 15th, is a very special day for a very special person. Joe, I’m so glad that I’ve been able to see you grow up & turn into the wonderful, caring, inspiring man you are today. You are incredibly talented, I hope you know how much your music has really helped people get through rough patches in life. You have so many amazing qualities that have inspired me to be who I am today, as well as so many others. You have so much charisma & are generally just a very good person, always putting others before yourself. You’re so passionate about making a difference in the world & helping those who aren’t as fortunate enough to have what most people do. You make so many people happy just by being who you are & have made a very large impact on millions of lives, giving them strength to get through every day. You truly deserve nothing but the best in life. I wish you a lifetime of happiness & success. I am so proud of the person you’ve become, I could never put my love for you into words. So cheers to another year of living, & I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day. Happy birthday, beautiful. I love you more than anything in the world.
15/08/1989. 9:58 hrs. Casa Grande, AZ. Happy Bday DJ Danger ♥
15/08/1989. 9:58 hrs. Casa Grande, AZ. Happy Bday DJ Danger ♥
domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012
-Open my to romance she wanted me to see she wanted me to escape she wanted me to leave this.
The Poetry That She Breathed
I'll meet you...
The Poetry That She Breathed
feel something midnight I'll meet you in paris somewhere in dreamland come to light that smile you're wearing keeps me believing. keeps me alive we'll be the kings and queens of our broken scene. I'll meet you in paris.
"This next song goes out to anybody who’s ever been told that the way they think or feel is the wrong way to think or the wrong way to feel. Anybody who was felt betrayed by their friends. By their family. Always be yourself no matter what. For anybody who’s been afraid to stand up for themselves for who they are, for who their friends are. There is no room in the world for intolerance people. It’s 2011, let’s grow the fuck up. This goes out to anybody who feels alone. This goes out to anyone who feels they need help. Remember to always be who you are. You are the fucking shit. No one can change that, and don’t let them. Anybody who’s ever been able to be made to doubt themselves about anything in their lives by anybody else. Do not let anybody convince you otherwise of who you are, k? This is something that happens all the time and it’s fucked up. Be yourself and fuck everything else, alright? Believe whatever you wanna believe. Love whoever you wanna love. Fuckin’ dance whenever you wanna dance. It goes out to anybody who feels alone. Anybody that was ever felt betrayed. Anybody who doesn’t feel comfortable in their own skin because of the people around them. Be who you are no matter what. I swear to God you are the most fucking beautiful people. You are the most important person in the world. Always be who you are. Do not let anybody ever change you. "
Alexander William Gaskarth.
Alexander William Gaskarth.
viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012
Estoy feliz y sabes por qué? Porque ya no espero nada de nadie, esperar duele….Tuve amigos falsos, perdoné a los que me fallaron y volví a sonreír. Porque hay personas que vienen y se van y si se quieren ir, mejor que se vayan. Un “adios” será un “hola” a otra persona. Tuve sentimientos en desorden, pero cuando quiero a alguien lo quiero con el corazón. Por eso no tengo miedo de volver a querer y a luchar por alguien que se lo merece.
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012
lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012
Selección Argentina de Voley

Que son mas que tan solo un equipo... Que inspiran a muchas personas a seguir sus pasos , a no rendirse , a demostrar que hasta el final nada esta perdido. Y que apesar de todo.. se puede.
Demostrar que el Voley para mas de uno , no es solo un deporte mas.. es una forma de vida.. una forma unica de compartir la vida en equipo..
Fuerza Chicos... Argentina los alienta.!
domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012
viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012
miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012
† Si desconfío, es porque confié demasiado y me fallaron, si soy celosa, es porque cuando no lo fuí me cambiaron, si me enojo demasiado, es porque cuando lo aguante todo, se aprovecharon, si te digo que te amo, es por que de verdad lo siento y si no lo demuestro es porque tengo razones para no hacerlo, si te digo para siempre, es porque quiero tenerte siempre a mi lado y si te pido perdón, es porque soy capaz de tragar mi orgullo por ti.
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